6.30 am, 8.30 am Opportunities to Sit Online with MZG
Dear Big Summer Sitters,
Emma has exetended a warm welcome to us to join morning sits online with the Melbourne Zen Group. This is a simple 25 minute sit together. It is not a published event so if you wish to join please bookmark the link below:
Monday January 15th. Regular times
- Every weekday, 6.30 am (arrive by 6.25)
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8.30 am (arrive by 8.25)
LINK: https://mzg.org.au/online/
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Thank you Emma and the Melbourne Zen Group
Thanks, Emma! Great that we can coalesce the Big Summer Sit and Melbourne Zen Group early morning times together!. Zooming past all boundaries just as though we do not have to fence or wall ourselves in!