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Zen Practicum 2023

Sat, 18 Mar


Zen Open Circle Zendo

Join us for an orientation to the fundamentals of Zen practice

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Zen Practicum 2023
Zen Practicum 2023

time & place

18 Mar 2023, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm AEDT

Zen Open Circle Zendo



/ˈpraktɪkəm/   a practical section of a course of study.

Beginner’s mind’ is the treasure of Zen.  It means arriving fresh, alert, intelligent and undazzled to each moment of awareness, bringing nothing or as little as possible with you in the way of baggage, opinions, preferences or preconceptions.  In the mind of an ongoing beginner, the world lies radically open.

This series of orientation are for anyone wishing to sharpen their understanding of the fundamentals of Zazen (seated meditation), Kinhin (walking meditation), the formalities that support practice in a Zazen setting, the moral and ethical ground of Zen, and the qualities that characterise and cultivate an awakening mind.


Roshi Susan Murphy

Sensei Kynan Sutherland


9.30-10            Offline:  Zazen

10.00-12.00    Online: What is Zazen, and why is there Zen ‘form’?

Walking meditation.

What is not-knowing mind, koan, Zen realization?

12.00               Off-line:  Lunch break

1-1.30              Optional online ‘clinic’ for people beginning Zen practice:  questions about posture, etc.

1.00-2.00        Off-line:  Private sitting and walking

2.00-4.00        Online: Taking the Way of Zen.

                                             What are the bodhisattva vows?

                                              The ethos and character of Zen.


  • Zen Practicum 2023

    the cost of this event is on a sliding scale ($80-$120) please pay what you can reasonably afford.

    Pay what you want
    +Service fee
    Sale ended



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