Photo: Shared from a member in Yarning Circles
By becoming a paid member you gain access to a rich community of sharing, talks, podcasts, articles, conversations and participating in our events. We hope membership helps deepen your practice and commitment.
Your fees help support Zen Open Circle in a very real and practical way. They contribute directly by covering our operating costs. Without your support, we simply wouldn't exist in this form.
An active paid membership is needed to participate in our events. Please complete a membership option here before registering to join an event.
Membership fees are waged $200 and unwaged $100 per year. There is a special $25 option for those who are new to Zen Open Circle - available for the first year only. If you are in financial hardship, you are very welcome to contact us to explore the possibility of a membership scholarship.
Contact us: gassho@zenopencircle.org.au
Choose what is right for you
200$Valid for one yearUnwaged
100$Valid for one yearTrial Membership
25$Special offer for those who are new to Zen Open Circle for the first year only.Valid for 12 months